Property taxes are assessed on every property owner by the city or municipality you live in. The municipality usually calculates the tax based on your property value, including your land. That means that if your property value has increased, so will your property taxes. Property taxes are important because they help pay for services in your community such as police, fire protection, education, and other public services.
Property taxes are assessed January 1st of every year. When you’re purchasing a home, both the buyer and seller will be responsible for property taxes of the home at closing. The seller will pay a prorated amount from January 1st through the date of the house sale. The new buyer will pay the rest. If you’re buying a home this winter, it’s important to account for this payment in your closing costs.
Yes! In fact, property taxes are the responsibility of the homeowner regardless of if you have a mortgage on the home or not. Property taxes are something you should plan for, for as long as you choose homeownership. Starting a budget now that accounts for yearly property tax payments will get you in the habit for saving for your property taxes.
Many homeowners are unaware just how important paying your property taxes is. To ensure you don’t default on your mortgage through failure to pay property taxes, your mortgage lender can help. We can set up your mortgage payments to account for your yearly property tax payments. By including your estimated property tax payments in your monthly mortgage payment, you can rest assured that your property taxes will get paid on time.
When your mortgage is set up like this, your mortgage servicer will put your property tax payments in escrow for safe keeping. Then, when you receive your property tax notice, the escrow officer in charge of your property tax escrow account will assist you in paying your property taxes. Keep in mind, if your city sees an increase in property value, your taxes may increase more than what is allotted for in your monthly payment.
It is important to keep an eye on your real estate market, so this increase doesn’t come as a surprise. If you’re concerned, you can always talk to your mortgage servicer about increasing your monthly payment to account for any increases in your property taxes.
Don’t fear! If you don’t have the funds upfront to keep your property taxes current, you may qualify for a property tax loan. Your mortgage officer can help you look at loans that will pay off your taxes, fees, and interest at relatively low interest rates. Contact us and we can get you connected with a property tax loan specialist.
Yes, you are. If you bought a home from someone that let property taxes fall to the wayside, as soon as the title is in your name you’re responsible for the taxes. If you think this may be the case with the new home you’re buying, we can work with you to account for those extra property taxes and get you caught up.
Don’t put off your property taxes until the last minute. It is important to plan accordingly for this yearly payment. Not only is it important to keep on top of your property taxes because delinquent property taxes can hurt your credit score, but it’s important to ensure your mortgage stays in good standing. You don’t want to default because you didn’t budget for your property taxes this year. We can help you plan for your property taxes with every new home loan you acquire. We can’t wait to assist you in all your home loan and property tax needs. Any questions you may have, contact us today!
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